November 20th, 2017 Facts

The Just Ears, recently opened its doors to a new clinic in Guildford which offers a safe and effective alternative to ear syringing – ‘Microsuction’. Microsuction uses a tiny vacuum cleaner and a high powered microscope to clean ear wax from the ear canal.

Microsuction is quicker, safer and more effective than ear syringing.

With the increasing numbers of GP practices unable to offer ear syringing anymore, people are turning to microsuction as a quick and safe way to remove excessive ear wax and return their hearing to and relieve the unpleasant sensation of ear blockage.

The Just Ears, which has 3 other clinics across the South Coast, is the first and only private earwax removal service on the South Coast to receive accreditation by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) making it a very safe solution with excellent standards of care.

Mr Costa Repanos, one of Just Ears directors commented “We are very pleased to have opened our 4th clinic in just 3 years and to be able to offer this service to Guildford residents. Our clinics are growing significantly because of the need for people to have an affordable, quick and effective solution to blocked ears which is sometimes hard to get through the NHS”.

The Guildford clinic which is based at Guildford Physiotherapy & Sports Clinic, 85 Epsom Road,   GU1 3PA, is open 6 days a week from 8.00am – 8.00pm with selected Just Ears appointment times.

Guildford Clinic