January 31st, 2022 Ears, Facts

How many times do we say, ‘oh I will deal with that tomorrow’ and then tomorrow comes and nothing happens! We are good at putting things off until they really become a problem and removing ear wax is no exception. But why wait when you could hear clear again in minutes.

Andrew, a scuba diving enthusiast, recently visited our Esher clinic and was delighted he had finally done something about his blocked ears.

‘Having suffered with blocked ears for many years and having tried over the counter solutions that didn’t work, I finally realised it was time to get treatment. I live in Walton-On-Thames and had been to Health Village Esher for another appointment and saw Just Ears Clinic were based there and offered Microsuction. This was not something I had heard of before but knew friends who had syringing in the past and did not find it a pleasant experience, so I thought it was worth a try.’

‘The whole process was easy and stress free. I was able to book online and on the day of the appointment James, the practitioner, took the time to talk to me about what to expect which was very reassuring. I was able to see just how much wax they removed, and I am not surprised my hearing had been affected! I noticed afterwards just how much clearer everything sounded especially if someone on my right was talking to me as this ear had been worse.’

‘I had never had any previous treatment despite having suffered with blocked ears for years and wish I had done it sooner!’ I now tell all my friends and family they should do the same if they find any problems with blocked ear wax.

Take a look here if you would like more information about how microsuction works and remember you can book an appointment online 24/7!