Current Membership(s) of Professional, National and Regional Bodies

  • Nursing and Midwifery Council
  • Royal College of Nursing

Professional Profile

Angela trained at The London Hospital in Whitechapel (1974-1977) and after qualifying as a staff nurse worked in the ENT outpatient department for eighteen months, part of which was as acting sister.

After a spell as a ward sister at Queen Mary’s Sidcup for three years and by then having a young family she moved to Salisbury in 1985.

Angela has been working at Salisbury District Hospital for over thirty years, both on the ENT wards and for the past twenty years in the outpatient department where she is the ENT specialist nurse.

She attended an aural care course at Addenbrookes hospital in 2000 and has been running nurse -led aural care clinics in Salisbury hospital and outlying clinics for 20 years.

Current NHS Post

Ent nurse specialist and outpatient department sister, Salisbury District Hospital

Year of First Medical Qualification

State registered nurse. 1977